Let’s Talk Customer Acquisition And Retention!

What makes someone want to buy your product or services? Have you ever thought about the following question?

According to the marketing rule of 7, it would take between 5-7 touch points (or interactions) with a product or a brand before a person is ready to make a purchasing decision. These touch points could include seeing:

1. Ads print or digital

2. Content on social media (whether Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn)

3. Receiving an emails or direct email

4. Visiting the company website

5. Speaking to a sales representative

6. A phone call / text message

7.Attending to a speaking engagement / promotional event

These are just a couple of examples of marketing touch points and general guidelines as it may vary for different product or service that offering. For example, a more complex and expensive product may require more touch points and a longer decision-making process compare to a simple and inexpensive product / service.

Another factor important factor to take into consideration is the quality and the effectiveness of the marketing efforts can have a big impact on the number of touch points required.

A well- executed marketing campaign that effectively communicates the value and the benefits of a product or service can help reduce the amount of touch points needed to make a sale.

(Data from b2bmarketing.net and Hubspot)


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